

Helsinki Energy Challenge scores, released 16.3.2021:

ABCD for clean heating in Helsinki
Team score 3,0  Plan score 5,0  Total 8,0
Of the 252 applications, Solixi was among the top 26.

HEC Comments:
Team with strong experience relevant to the proposed solution, and, in the energy sector or in developing or implementing energy technologies or systems. The diversity of relevant expertise strong.
Proposed plan good for the purpose of this competition (in terms of most of the evaluation criteria); however, implementation feasibility, costs and capacity of the system are only moderately described and not all risks impacting feasibility are taken into account. Due to this, the plan did not qualify to the final round.

Solixi CEO’s comment: There was no space for more numbers and text in the application form. They have simply been removed due to lack of space.
“All Risks”; Solixi include a dozen innovative product lines, risks are described at

Dec. 2020; Solixi for sale

Dec 8, 2020
, the European Patent Office approved application RENEWABLE ENERGY STORING

Large and affordable energy storage and water boiler and effective Solar Concentrator, both with AI and IoT.
The innovative CleanTech patent portfolio is now complete.
The great benefits have been tested on prototypes.

29th Nov. 2020
Solixi proposal has been submitted to the IF Funding & Tenders Portal Submission System.
EU Innovation Fund Large Scale Projects
and it contains more than 50 pages;

The emission avoidance rate calculated for the EU29 in the Innovation Fund material is 1,073 MTCO2e per year.

Nov. 2020 a system-level emission-free heating and cooling solution for cities was released.

Oct. 2020 New one pager and huge Terawatt hours capacity thermal soil heat storage

Oct. 2020:  Clean heating for cities

Feb. 2020:  Leap29, a global recruitment company joined Solixi ecosystem

Feb. 2020: Two new websites; Onepager and The best energy storage in numbers

Oct. 28th 2019: was updated, the Principle Animation and the EU H2020 Business Plan were released.

Oct. 20-22nd 2019:

Oct. 15-14th 2019: SET-Plan (EU Strategic Energy Technologies) in Helsinki.

Oct. 7th 2019: H2020 EIC SME Blended Finance application was submitted.

Mar. 28th 2019: Power fluctuation is a huge problem in the future, Solixi has a solution.

Oct. 24th 2018:
Scandinavian Cleantech Acceleration Day, Lund, Sweden.
Jyri Jaakkola and David Bassiouni met investors.

Oct. 2018: News from Solixi test environment, C16 installation

Sep 12th 2018Europe Patent for solar concentrator.

Sep 10th 2018: Solixi ecosystem. Large and expanding network, over 20 companies, cooperating to launch intelligent and clean energy solutions.


Kasvu-Open final, Sep 19th, Espoo Finland

Aug 2018: The Bassiouni Group (USA) to organise Solixi global funding with Convergence Finance.

Aug. 2018: Manufacturing team in China

TIPark 2018 China trip Aug 16-28th.

Aug 2018: The silver bullet for storing energy, numbers

May 2018: Global Intelligent Industry Conference in Beijing. Solixi with other top companies meeting investors, dealers and potential partners. Tour sponsored by Techcode.

March 2018, Vaasa Energy Week – Energy and Innovation awards

March 2018; Solixi launch new solar tracker C4PV – more electricity

29.8.2017 this updated new website was opened. The “first” was launched Mar 2012, it gathered 141.901 visitors and a million page loads. We wish the interest will continue.

29.8.2017 New website official opening video

Solixi story, how it all began; years 2007-2016